5 Good Reasons Why Every Student Going into Year 11 or Year 12
Should Attend a Head Start Program

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1. Make Unit 1/Unit 3 Easier

When you attend our ‘Summer School – Head Start Lectures’ you’ll develop a solid understanding of examinable materials ahead of school in the quickest & most effective way possible.

When the same topics are covered at school you’ll be hearing this information for the second time. You’ll quickly grasp the more challenging concepts & processes. Homework will be less daunting, making it easier to commit to study-related tasks. You’ll be less likely to procrastinate your studies, improving confidence, decreasing test/SAC related anxiety & greatly improving your VCE marks.

2. Reduce Stress Levels, Decrease Study Time
& Boost VCE Marks

Students who work through topics ahead of school spend less time on their studies & achieve higher SAC & exam marks.

You’ll make fewer errors, get stuck on questions less frequently & complete your homework faster each day. You’ll also develop a more positive mindset towards learning & personal study and have more free time to spend with friends & family.

“This was an amazing lecture that filled me with confidence for the year to come. I feel very ready to attack stress that is thrown my way.”
Student – University High School

“Lectures were fantastic. They got me ahead of my peers and understanding where I can improve.” Student – Minaret College

3. Prevent Summer Learning Loss & Unnecessary Study Next Year

Research shows that, on average, the extended break from study over the summer holidays results in a loss of one month or 11% of the knowledge acquired over the 9 month academic year. That’s a significant portion of your learning that’s lost, and a huge chunk to re-learn before starting the new school year.

Studies also indicate that not only do summer programs stop summer learning loss, there are also significant learning gains among those students who attend.

Note: The pace in Year 12 is fast and there are no opportunities to catch up or relearn Year 11 materials without compromising on stress levels and/or Unit 3 marks until the Term 1 school holidays. Students who start their Unit 3 studies lacking strong foundations in key Unit 1 & 2 concepts will find it difficult to cope with new course materials and will obtain lower SAC marks and subject ranks than otherwise possible.

4. Make Sure You’re Optimally Prepared for
Your Unit 1 and/or Unit 3 SACs

When you start the new school year, your effort & focus should be directed towards doing everything possible to maximise your SAC marks. Your SAC marks can have a huge impact on your final results, as shown in the table below.

The most effective way to maximise SAC marks is by getting ahead in your studies. Don’t forget to work through as many past VCE (VCAA) exam questions as possible, as many SACs are designed to test your ability to apply your learnings, rather than simply stating facts.

5. Get a HUGE Advantage in Your VCE

If your VCE marks honestly matter, there are two options available to you:

Option 1: Do at least 2 hours (preferrably 3) of study each day throughout January (1 to 3 hours if you’re about to start Year 11) and get ahead as much as you possibly can.


Option 2: Complete the study that should have been done during the holidays when you get back to school. This study will be ON TOP OF the work you’d normally get from teachers – which is quite a lot if you’re starting Year 12 in Term 1, 2024.

Both options require study and the loss of free time – with Option 2 requiring a greater sacrifice in terms of both effort and time. So “bite the bullet” as they say, commit to Option 1, enrol into the TSFX ‘VCE Summer School 2024: Unit 1 & Unit 3 Head Start & SAC Attack Lectures’ and as a bonus:

• Enjoy lower stress levels & study loads next year;
• Get higher subject ranks & SAC marks!

The benefits of getting ahead are significant and far reaching. So invest the time and set yourself up with the best possible chance of success in your final school year(s).

“Thank you TSFX for giving me an invaluable advantage over my peers.”

VCE Summer School 2024: Unit 1 & Unit 3 Head Start & SAC Attack Lectures
Enrolments & Additional Information

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