The Biggest Mistakes Made By VCE Students

VCE Exam Revision Lectures : Learn More
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Mistake #1: Taking Unnecessary Risks

Knowing the course or being able to deliver that information to students is not enough at this end stage of the VCE. What VCE students really need can only be delivered by experienced VCE teachers who are current or recent VCE exam markers (VCAA assessors):

# Guide students through the revision process in an organised, time-efficient way, concentrating on the areas that are most likely to be assessed.

# Teach students how to construct exam responses that would be awarded full marks.

# Clarify which terms/statements must be included (or excluded) from answers.

# Highlight how to spot and process tricks and traps.

# Explain where and why students lose valuable marks in the exams.

# Relay what the Chief Assessors expect from students seeking high examination marks.

This is not something you can get from past VCE/Uni students.

Mistake #2: Starting Exam Preparations Too Late

To make matters worse, high levels of stress reduce our ability to concentrate and to recall information when it’s needed. It also decreases the amount of information that can be processed by the brain – increasing the time it takes to commit materials to memory. If you start your exam preparations sooner, you’ll learn course materials more thoroughly (and faster), and you’ll get higher marks in your exams!

Mistake #3: Inadequate Grasp of Exam Tricks, Marking Schemes & Key Troubleshooting Skills

You can start this process by working through past VCE examination reports and VCE exam questions, but nothing beats the expertise of experienced VCE teachers – particularly VCE exam assessors (VCAA), who are the only people who actually know how VCE exam papers are marked.

There can be considerable differences between what schools expect from students in their SACs and what the VCE exam assessors look for when marking the VCE exams. If an answer doesn’t comply with the marking criteria VCE exam markers must follow, no marks will be awarded – even if what you wrote was what you were taught at school.

Mistake #4: Wasting Valuable Time Writing Notes

The production of high quality, comprehensive notes from which exam preparation should be based is a huge task that requires a lot of time – something that most students don’t have and can’t afford to waste before their exams. So if you can’t do our VCE Exam Revision Lectures, purchase a set of high quality notes from our bookshop ( or use your text books to prepare for the exams.

Note: Students enrolling into our VCE Exam Revision Lectures will receive a detailed and comprehensive set of A+ notes that cover everything they need to learn.

Mistake #5: Insufficient Revision

The more times you revise your work, the better your understanding of subject materials and the more effectively you’ll be able to apply your knowledge when answering analysis-style questions correctly, as well as questions you’ve never seen before. You should therefore start your exam preparations sooner rather than later, so that enough time is available to work through every topic at least twice before your exams.

Mistake #6: Underestimating the Importance of Different Perspectives

When materials are presented by different people or in different ways, comprehension rates increase significantly, reducing the time that needs to be spent preparing for tests and exams. Hearing information from a different perspective also helps to build more neural connections in the brain, increasing the amount you can remember and improving your problem-solving and application skills. You should therefore seek instruction from as many sources as possible, and especially from official VCE exam assessors. Assessors have access to critical information and which can make a huge difference to your VCE marks.

What Happens During the VCE Exam Revision Lectures?

Our “VCE Exam Revision Lectures” are being streamed live and are fully interactive. During each lecture, we’ll keep you stimulated, energised and learning by running regular Q & A sessions, polls, challenges & competitions, quizzes & chats and a variety of other activities. Our dynamic, motivating and entertaining teachers (who are sometimes funny!) will do everything they can to make your lectures as beneficial and painless as possible!

When you enrol into our “VCE Exam Revision Lectures”:

# You will thoroughly revise examinable materials and extend on the knowledge you’ve acquired so you can secure the highest possible ATAR result.

# You will work through the more difficult concepts, including the topics and applications that have been poorly addressed in past VCE exams.

# You will work through carefully selected exam style questions that target the key knowledge most likely to appear in the exam(s).

# You will discover how the VCE exams are marked and how to construct exam responses that would be awarded full marks.

# You will be shown the differences between good and excellent answers so you can maximise your examination score.

# You will learn how to recognise and process the exam tricks and traps that cost students valuable marks in the exam(s).

# You will strengthen problem-solving skills and develop stronger examination techniques and strategies.

# You will discover the most effective (and safest) way of approaching the different types of questions that appear in the exam(s).

# You will practice dissecting and analysing questions and develop techniques to help you answer questions you haven’t seen before.

What You’ll Receive

# A detailed and comprehensive set of A+ subject notes express posted to your home from Thursday 1 September 2022. These professionally bound notes include every key concept that could be examined, clear and concise explanations, fully worked examples with step-by-step instructions and exam watch-outs and will save you countless hours in study time.

# A large collection of exam-style questions to further consolidate and extend on taught skills at home.

# Unlimited 24/7 access to a recording of the audio-visual presentation for each enrolled lecture (including all screen annotations) until the day after your subject exam(s).

# The highest quality instruction from experienced VCE teachers who have official VCE exam marking experience (not unqualified university students).

# Key exam insights that only a VCE exam marker can provide (This is the type of inside knowledge that will give you a huge edge in your exams!)

# The skills and information you’ll need to perform to a high standard in the VCE exams.

# A level playing field (students taught by VCE exam assessors DO have an advantage over other students).

# Engaging and interactive teaching that caters for different learning styles.

# Friendly, engaging, passionate and committed teachers.

What Are the Benefits of Attending the VCE Exam Revision Lectures?

You will:

# Benefit from key exam insights that only a VCE exam marker can provide. (This is the type of inside knowledge that will give students a huge edge in their exams!)

# Find out which sections of the course are more likely to be examined and the level of detail that should be committed to memory, so you use your time in the most effective and beneficial way.

# Save huge amounts of stress and time by letting an accomplished VCE teacher with extensive experience marking the VCE exams guide you through the revision process in the most organised and strategic way. (It takes much less time for an experienced teacher to take you through the revision process compared to doing it on your own!).

# Save even more time by using the detailed, thorough A+ notes that are issued on enrolment. Invest the time saved not having to write your own revision notes in those activities that have the greatest impact on examination marks – learning materials thoroughly and by working through as many past examination papers as possible.

# Hear information from a different perspective and learn different approaches to analysing applications and solving questions. This will enable information to be engrained into long-term memory more effectively, improving the quality of exam responses and enabling you to retrieve information more quickly in the exams.

# Get unlimited 24/7 access to a recording of the audio-visual presentation(s) for each enrolled subject (including all screen annotations) until the day after each subject exam.

# Leave our lectures having made a big impact on your exam preparations, feeling confident about what you know, informed about what you need to correct, and in the right frame of mind for independent study.

# Complete a large part of your exam preparations ahead of your VCE peers and reduce stress levels and study loads in the challenging weeks before the exams.

# Perform to a higher standard and boost your VCE marks!


“An excellent & thorough presentation & set of notes! I feel like I’ve been armed with a secret weapon for the exams.”
Student – Braemar College

“I thought the online lectures were done really well. Even though I wasn’t there in person, I wasn’t missing on any educational experience.”
Student – Belmont High School

“All of the TSFX lectures I have attended are amazing. The depth and amount of material provided is astounding and a great asset heading into revision.”
Student – MacKillop College

“Awesome lecture. Awesome lecturers. Awesome atmosphere. Thanks TSFX!”
Student – MacRobertson Girls’ High School

“TSFX was by far the best revision company
I’ve been to, extremely well worth it.”
Student – Penleigh & Essendon Grammar School

“Very helpful and very engaging. I feel a lot more confident about the exam now.
Definitely worth it!”
Student – Mac Robertson Girls’ High School

“Amazing lecture with amazing and well-experienced instructors. I’m so happy I was able to attend these lectures, they will definitely boost my ATAR.” Student– Bayside P-12 College

“These lectures were the biggest life saver these school holidays. They gave me a big confidence boost going into the final revision stages before the exams. Would definitely recommend!” Student – VCE 2021

“The platform used for this class was excellent and the teacher was fantastic. Excellent tips and explanations. Amazing notes!”
Student – Eltham High School

“These lectures were an extremely great use of time and I absolutely loved the lectures that I attended! They have saved me loads of time on the revision I would’ve had to do.”
tudent – VCE 2021

“These lectures were a game changer in my holiday revision. Every lecture included amazing tips and advice…which have greatly improved my self-confidence and ability to answer exam questions.” Student – VCE 2021

“Really helpful lectures that kept me engaged the whole time.” Student – VCE 2021

“The 3 hours flew by, and it was an enriching experience.” Student – VCE 2021

“I’m glad I chose to be with TSFX for all my subjects” Student – Bendigo Secondary College

“Outstanding lecture!”
Student – Melbourne High School